⭐️ REC LEARNING - DISCOVER OUR AUDIOVISUAL SCHOOL https://casalrec.tv/reclearning In this video, we cover a series of essential topics for filmmakers who want to be ahead of the market, while improving both their professional skills and their personal growth. Explore the topics below with timestamps for easier navigation: 00:01 - Identifying the biggest challenge for filmmakers. 01:00 - Avoiding the biggest mistakes you can make in the industry. 01:45 - Dealing with ADHD or lack of attention. 03:00 - Tips for improving sleep quality. 05:40 - Revealing the worst habit I developed myself. 08:30 - Why are you having trouble getting clients? 10:45 - The relationship between filmmakers and healthy eating. 13:13 - Understanding the importance of discipline in the pursuit of freedom. 14:00 - My experience working with clients in Bali. 16:20 - How the practice of meditation transformed my concentration and attention. 20:00 - What brought clarity to my life and work. 21:30 - Discover how REC Learning can increase your potential. 22:00 - Develop the business mindset and achieve success. Our INSTA: / casal.rec _ Business Email: [email protected]