⭐️ The best offers on running courses from Simple Run for our subscribers - https://simplerun.ru/ytpromo What does running do to the heart ????? Athletic vs. regular ❤️: • What does running do to the heart ????? Athletic... The heart ❤️, joints and muscles ???? of a runner: • The heart ❤️, joints and muscles ???? of a runner Without this, you won’t run far ????! The basics of running ????: • Without this, you won’t run far ????! The basics... Run ???? faster ????. About cadence simply and clearly: • Run ???? faster ????. About cadence simply ... Strengthening the body for running ???? (getting ready for long distances): • Strengthening the body for running ???? (getting ready ... As children, we learn to walk, but we no longer need to learn to run as children - it happens by itself. As we grow older, however, this skill is often lost: few people in the office play tag during their lunch break. You are already an adult, which means you have learned to experience shyness and fear. And if they prevent you from starting to run, then today I will give you recommendations that will help you cope with awkwardness. And if you still got to the point of “trying”, we will analyze how to avoid several typical mistakes dictated by the consciousness of a beginner who tries to run as “seems right” to him. And for those who have already started, I will offer a simple action plan for today. Publication day is Monday - the best time to communicate in the comments. Running training and lessons: https://goo.gl/ApLjSY subscribe!