Hi Qmple, Today is the premiere of a new film in which we will talk about meditation with intentions from the beginning. More in Quantum Intention 2022 - https://klaudiapingot.pl/produkt/quan... What today? We will connect in a common energy field and do a beautiful meditation River of Time. This material is dedicated to both those who are just starting to learn about the power of intentions and those who are already meditating and experiencing the power of their mind. The material also prepares for Quantum Intention 2022, which is ahead of us. In this film, step by step: - What is an intention? How is an intention different from a goal and a dream and why does an intention have such great power? - What does it mean to send intentions? Where do you send intentions? - How to start meditating with an intention? - A common connection with group energy. - A wonderful meditation - River of Time. Let's flow! Klaudia My Quantum Group: / mojequantum Facebook: / specbabka Instagram: / klaudia_pingot