HOW TO START BOTTOM FISHING - Ch.1 THE EQUIPMENT One of my greatest desires has always been to make videos to help those who are approaching the world of fishing. And finally we start! In this first video I want to talk to you about the BASIC EQUIPMENT to approach the world of bottom fishing. What equipment to buy to start taking the first steps in bottom fishing, and above all why those particular items. It is a very simple video, I repeat, INTENDED FOR THOSE WHO WANT TO TAKE THEIR FIRST STEPS IN BOTTOM FISHING. - Special thanks to the Self Service Tutto Pesca store - via Savigliano 3/A, Cherasco, Italy 371 522 1245 - Where you will find all the goods used to make the video and much more! - Sponsored by Universe Fishing Site Link: https://universefishing.com/ The Italian site for your passions