You can examine and purchase many brands and models of soldering and soldering iron materials from our online sales site or from our store in Perpa Trade Center. https://www.perpaotomasyon.com/lehim-... In this video, we talked about how to solder, what should be considered when soldering, what are the soldering criteria, what is cold solder and how is it formed, how to choose a good solder, what are the soldering materials, how to clean solder, how to solder at home. You can watch the solder paste that you can use when soldering, soldering paste selection in our video. 2:00 soldex solder wire 4:15 soldex solder wire 60/40 5:30 What is 60/40 solder wire 5:35 Kurtel Solder Wire 3:45 Solder wire recommendation 6:25 Feray Solder Wire 7:30 cream solder recommendation how to solder youtube If you liked the video on our channel, you can be informed about new product promotion videos by SUBSCRIBE to our channel. #solderhowto, #solderwireadvice, #bestsolderwire