Dead space. Beekeepers who keep bees in hives with the same size brood and honey frames. They often winter bees on two or more bodies (extensions). When wintering bee colonies on two or more bodies, there is a risk of creating a so-called dead space. I will briefly describe what leads to the so-called dead space. If we take into account that the frame honeycomb is 15mm thick and that the distance between the lower and upper extension frames is 6-8mm. The lower frame slat is 6-8mm thick and the satin that is higher than the lower frame slat is 8-10mm. And when we add all of the above, we get a break in the entire honeycomb of 35-41mm. This break in the honeycomb or the distance between the upper and lower extension honeycombs is called Dead Space. When the bees huddle in the lower extension (Brood) at the beginning of wintering, without covering the upper extension with food. There is a high possibility that the bees that are trapped in this way will die of starvation. Although in the above continuation they have enough food for wintering. Bees are already in a state of hibernation during the winter at a temperature below + 6°. The bees in the beehive move successively and slowly towards the food that is above the beehive. When the ball comes across a break in the comb, it is a sign for the bees that there is nothing above the comb. Due to the slow motion of the bee colony, every smallest break in the honeycomb becomes an insurmountable physical barrier for the bee colonies. Which leads the bee colony to certain death from starvation. Bottom line: despite, apply proper Appi techniques when winterizing on two or more extensions. There is always a possibility that some bee colonies will remain in the brood area. There are several reasons, and one of the main reasons is a late or backward brood that the bees do not want to leave. A young queen, a weak bee colony damaged by Varroa, a warm autumn, late feeding. All of the above can cause bees to remain in the brood and die of starvation during the winter. Author of the text Hamid Zlatić.