In today's episode we have the privilege of having Doctor Mario Sabán. He has an extensive academic curriculum that includes 6 doctorates in subjects as diverse as Theology, Psychology or Applied Mathematics. Today Mario, through his biography, tells us about his development as an individual, how he meets the needs of his soul with the circumstances that destiny provides him. Mario shows us his most human side in this conversation. We had a very pleasant relaxed chat with this international communication phenomenon that is Mario, who dedicates his life to the mission of spreading the ancestral wisdom of Kabbalah. Here you can visit the website of his online school: https://psicologiaycabala.com/ In this channel we try to make known the approach of Biographical Work. If you want to know more you can visit: https://trabajopersonalbiografico.es/ Finally, if you liked the interview, I would appreciate it if you leave me your Like and subscribe to the channel. Thank you! #mariosaban #cabala #trabajobiografico