How to Protect Yourself from the Energy of Malicious People? Personal Development Videos


Erdem Taşkınsu

Published on Mar 28, 2017
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I have made videos about happiness and positive thinking in personal development videos but I haven't really touched on how to protect yourself from negative energies. Sometimes there may be people around you, at work, in your family and in your friendships who lower your energy. Today we will talk about how to protect our energy against these types. The first way to protect yourself from these people is to know them and understand what they are, for example, what is the feature of an antivirus program, when it finds a virus, it asks you if it should delete it or quarantine it, its ability to do this depends on its ability to find that virus in its update, if it doesn't recognize it, it enters the system, now we will get to know them so that these people don't enter our system. Why should we be careful about these people because emotions and energies are contagious, doesn't your energy increase when you are around a happy person or don't you get nervous when you are around a tense person? That's why we will be careful What are the characteristics of types with negative energy? 1- Pessimistic and pessimistic types, these types always tell you the negative things in your world and life, they absorb your energy with their pessimistic state, they infect you with their own anxieties and fears. 2- They always blame someone, they dwell on the past, they are stuck on events they cannot change, they constantly bring these up, they want you to be in that pit just as they throw themselves into a pit of pessimism. 3- They do not want you to be very successful in essence, they may even enjoy your failure. 4- They may have expectations from you, they may be inclined to use you if you give them the opportunity, their most important expectation is that you listen to their negativity. 5- They may try to minimize what you do, because they want to feel better about themselves by decreasing your value in their minds. 6- They tell you why a job cannot be done, but this statement is not in the form of a constructive observation, but in a destructive manner. So how can you protect yourself from these people? 1- The most important point is to be at peace with yourself because you cannot easily disrupt the balance of a person who is at peace with themselves. What is the secret of being at peace with yourself? Getting along well with yourself, think of people who get along well, they love, value, motivate and believe in each other, you will do this for yourself, not for someone else. You can be your own best friend, regulate the inner voice you talk to yourself. If you want more tips, you can watch our video called 15 steps to being happy and the power of positive thinking. 2-I attended a seminar by a foreign educator in the 2000s and he said, there are 4 types of perception, the first is those who think let them win and they lose, the second is let them lose and they win, the third is the understanding that I lost and they also lose. Stay away from these first and third types, which is the most ideal, the fourth is let them win and they also win, in other words, why should I feel bad if you win, let the good ones win. 3-Sometimes you may be exposed to such words in your business life that you can use it in difficult situations, the power of silence, you don't even answer that person, you make them feel much more worthless. You ignore them psychologically. 4-Use the no tone technique, you respond creatively in this technique. There is also a technique in Aikio, the most attack is to return the opponent's negative energy, in verbal attacks, respond by returning his energy to him. 5- Decide for yourself, say to yourself that I am returning your negative energy to you. We can visualize this metaphorically like this: Think of a door, the handle of this door is in your hand, you open your door to the positive energies you want, think of closing your door to the negative energies you do not want. 6- First your face falls, your body tenses, you can relieve this tension by smiling slightly with your facial expressions. ► Subscribe: ► Facebook: / erdemtaskinsu ► Instagram: / erdemtaskinsu ► Stay tuned: / erdemtaskinsu WARNING Attention! This video is for individuals who are mentally and spiritually healthy and want to support their individual development. If you have a medical condition, consult your physician. All of the videos I share here are intended to contribute to the individual development of individuals. They are not for treatment purposes. You can get help from psychotherapy or a specialist for your negative feelings that you cannot overcome on your own.

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