1. Risk Identification: 2. Risk Analysis: 3. Preparation of the Action Plan: 4. Implementation: 5. Monitoring and Evaluation: 6. Documentation: 7. Training: Remember that the PGR must be regularly reviewed and updated according to changes in working conditions and the identification of new risks. In addition, it is important to follow the guidelines of NR 1 of Ordinance No. 3,214/78 of the Ministry of Labor and Employment. 1. Risk Identification: • Gather information about the activities, processes and related work environments. • Consult the employees involved to identify possible risks and sources of danger. • Analyze relevant documents, such as accident records, inspection reports and other sources of information. • Use tools, such as risk matrices, checklists and flow diagrams, to facilitate risk identification. 2. Risk Analysis: • Classify the identified risks according to their probability and impact. • Determine the appropriate control measures to mitigate or eliminate the identified risks. • Analyze the effectiveness of these control measures. • Prioritize risk management actions according to the probability and impact of the risks. 3. Preparation of the Action Plan: • Define the action plan to manage the risks, including the responsibilities and deadlines for each control measure. • Specify the activities, processes and work environments that will be covered by the RMP. • Specify the control measures to be implemented, including preventive, emergency and contingency actions. 4. Implementation: • Execute the control measures defined in the action plan. • Allocate necessary resources, including equipment, materials and training for the employees involved. • Document the implementation of the control measures. 5. Monitoring and Evaluation: • Regularly monitor and evaluate the performance of the RMP.