New virtual school of PERUVIAN GUITAR -- www.amaurisuarezg.com Hello guys, how are you? In this video TUTORIAL we will learn the basics and essentials of a TONDERO, you will find 5 PATTERNS to start playing it on the guitar. We will start with the emblematic bass line of the genre alternating with chords and after going through other resources we will finish with a phrase by the master Oscar Aviles that he recorded on the album ¨Juntos¨ with Alicia Maguiña in the song ¨Ica, mañana voy¨. (You can find it on Youtube) Don't forget that there are many more patterns, so don't just stay with the ones in the video, keep researching, studying and learning. And if you want a second video with more patterns, let me know in the comments. I hope it helps :) ----------------------------------------------- Some other videos: How to accompany the PERUVIAN WALTZ -- • HOW TO ACCOMPANY the PERUVIAN WALTZ - TUTORIAL... Learn all the chords and FLY -- • Learn ALL the GUITAR chords... Learn to play LANDÓ -- • 5 basic LANDÓ patterns - LEARN... Afro-Peruvian celebration (the zapateo) -- • How to accompany the ZAPATEO - 8 patter... Bordoneo in the MARINERA LIMEÑA -- • Learn to play marinera bordoneos... --------------------------------------------------- FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA Instagram: / amaurisuarezg Facebook: / amaurisuarezg ---------------------------------------------------