Hey guys! Today you're going to learn how to play Menino da Porteira! - Get 50 simplified chords in PDF and help the channel to continue with the videos and always improve! Click here: https://www.lucasmariani.com.br/cifras/ - Become a barbecue owner now: https://www.lucasmariani.com.br/donos/ New course for beginners to learn from scratch or improve! This song is great! So if you liked it, remember to leave a like and a comment, subscribe to the channel too, okay?? Cipher Boy at the gate A Every time I traveled E Along the Ouro Fino road From afar I saw A The figure of a boy Who ran to open the gate E And then came asking me D Play the horn, young man E A So I could hear it D When the cattle passed by E And the dust was settling A I threw a coin and he would jump away Thank you, cowboy E May God accompany you D To that backlands E A My horn was playing ( EAEAEAEAEA ) A On the paths of this life E I found many thorns But none of them cut deeper A Than the one I went through On my trip back E I thought about anything D Seeing the gate closed E A I didn't see the boy D I got off my horse E And on the ranch by the ground I saw a woman crying A I wanted to know why The cowboy came late E Look at the cross on the road D Who killed my little son E A It was a heartless ox ( EAEAEAEAEA ) A Over there bands of Ouro Fino E Taking wild cattle When I pass by the gate A I even see your image Your creaking so sad E It seems more like a message D From that dark face E A Wishing me a good trip D The little cross on the road E I can't leave my mind I've already made a vow A That I'll never forget Even if my cattle burst And If I need to go after it D On this piece of land E A I won't play the horn anymore Chords Boy from the gate Follow me on Instagram: / lucasmariani_violao Guitar lesson: How to play boy from the gate, easy, guitar lesson, boy from the gate chords. #BoyFromTheGate #HowToPlay