How to Play Forró on the Bass Create Your Own Forró Lines on the Bass After many requests, I brought a video on How to Play Forró on the Bass by creating your own lines with freedom. It's very easy to understand how it works to develop your skill. The first thing I taught in this class on how to play forró on the bass was triads, and the tricks for you to master the creation and understand the sequence of notes of the triad. After that, I gave you some tips for playing forró on the bass without getting stuck on something difficult, but memorizing and knowing what you really want to do to play with skill. If you want to learn more about how to play forró on the bass, leave a comment below... And don't forget to leave a LIKE. Telegram Channel Link https://t.me/joinchat/53L-umvPU-s3ZDgx Courses: Under the Fingers https://pay.hotmart.com/D11592778K Slap on the Finger https://pay.hotmart.com/E14287770D Improvisation Workshop - Only R$37.00 with Pdfs and Mp3 https://go.hotmart.com/U52714475X?dp=1 Listen to my Album https://open.spotify.com/album/3swlPj... Access Fernando Barbosa's Networks Instagram @ferbaixo Facebook @fernandobarbosaonline --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subscribe to our channel and don't miss any content Subscribe: http://bit.ly/canal-fer-baixo Exclusive Content: Facebook: http://bit.ly/facebook-fer-barbosa Instagram: http://bit.ly/insta-fer-barbosa Blog: http://bit.ly/blog-embaixo_dos_dedos G+: http://bit.ly/g_plus_fer-barbosa ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Video link