↓↓DESCRIPTION↓↓↓ Hello Flauteros! Here you have at last the second part of the video of the trills, with the positions of the high register. LET'S PRACTICE!! 0:24 D to D# and D to E 0:58 D# to E and Eb to F 1:20 E to F and E to F# 1:50 F to Gb and F to G 2:06 F# to G and F# to G# 2:27 G to A and G to Ab 2:39 G# to A and G# to A# 3:15 A to Bb and A to B 3:51 A# to B 4:10 Bb to C 4:36 B to C TRIPLE POSITIONS: https://www.scribd.com/doc/21356113/T... RELATED VIDEOS NUANCES: https://bit.ly/3ulHGnI https://bit.ly/3rVN8w0 ARTICULATIONS: https://bit.ly/39GTx7W https://bit.ly/3woRBdP Twitch: Cris_faceflute Instagram: Cris FaceFlute Facebook: Cris FaceFlute Contact: [email protected]