Hello, this is Hanbat Farm. Today, 1. Introduction to persimmon seedling types. Hanbat Farm items: Daebong, Yaoki Daebong, Taechu tangerines, Dongshi, Chacha tangerines. For inquiries, please contact us. 2. Planting method. 3. Things to watch out for when planting. If you are only curious about the planting method, watch from 3 minutes and 50 seconds. I have explained the planting method step by step. Even though you are busy, I hope it was helpful. Please contact us for persimmon seedlings!!! Inquiry number: 010-4676-8511 : 010-9461-8511 Blog address: https://blog.naver.com/lsm2076 : https://blog.naver.com/sang931004