See which soil is best for growing papaya, how to drain it and position the plant correctly. My name is Anselmo, I am a Biologist, Bachelor of Biology, Bachelor of Biology and Biological Sciences. The intention of the channel is to share useful techniques in cultivating an in-ground vegetable garden such as potted vegetable gardens. Many people who live in apartments want vegetable gardens in apartments, here you have everything you need to grow organically and sustainably. #aquaponiamineira #homegarden #hanginggarden #balconygarden #pottedvegetablegarden My name is Anselmo, I am a Biologist, Bachelor of Biology, Bachelor of Biology and Biological Sciences. The channel's intention is to share useful techniques in cultivating an in-ground vegetable garden such as potted vegetable gardens. Many people who live in apartments want vegetable gardens in apartments, here you have everything you need to grow organically and sustainably. #aquaponiamineira