🔥Receive the Free E-book via WhatsApp: https://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=5... ✅FULL COURSE HERE: https://romeuberger.com.br/curso-de-l... When administrators of government agencies need to purchase, lease or hire products, works or services, it is necessary to carry out a process called Bidding. In a general context, bidding is a formal procedure of competition between companies that wish to offer their services to public organizations. It is a process carried out in a public and transparent manner and must comply with some basic principles. The need for this process is justified by the fact that public institutions do not have their own funds, but rather government resources, which must be duly applied and declared. The procedures for holding a Bidding Process are provided for in Federal Law 8,666 of 1993. Therefore, the lower levels of public administration, i.e., states and municipalities, cannot create their own laws to govern this type of contract. In addition, Law 10,520/2002 complements the rules for holding a bidding process. Process A bidding process begins in an internal phase, in response to the institution's need to acquire, sell, transfer, lease or contract products or services. Then, those responsible must publish the notice with the bidding rules so that all companies eligible to compete can be aware of them. To qualify for a bidding process, interested parties must present the following conditions: legal qualification; technical qualification; economic and financial qualification; tax and labor regularity and regularity with workers' rights. The public administration must be concerned with the basic principles of Bidding: Legality; Impersonality; Morality; Equality; Publicity; Administrative probity; Binding to the invitation to bid; And objective judgment. A bid cannot be confidential. All acts of the process must be public and accessible. The only part that is kept confidential are the proposals, until they can be opened. Modalities When a public organization carries out a bidding process, it must establish in its own notice what the modality will be and the requirements so that all interested parties can register. There are six types of bidding: Competition, Price Quotation, Invitation, Contest, Auction and Auction. In general, what defines the modality is the type of product or service that will be bid and the amounts involved. In the case of Competition, criteria are established for granting the right to use, perform works or services or even purchase and sale of public goods. The Price Quotation is done based on a Cadastral Registration Certificate (CRC), previously made by interested parties in offering services to the government. It is necessary to attest to the required requirements up to three days before the end of the bid period. The fastest bidding processes can be carried out through the so-called Invitation method. There is no need for a notice and a minimum of three bidders are selected and invited. Other interested parties may attend the process, provided they show their interest up to twenty-four hours before the presentation of proposals. The Competition is a very common bidding method for selecting scientific, artistic or technical work. In this method, the best project is contracted, not the best company. The winner receives a prize or remuneration. The notice must be published in the official press at least 45 days in advance, and the selection is made by a specialized committee. The sale of goods that are no longer useful to the public administration, seized goods or seized assets must be done through an Auction. In this method, interested parties appear on the date set for the session in order to formulate a verbal proposal. The latest method created was the Auction, established by Law 10.520/02. Just like in the auction itself, this modality regulates the acquisition of goods and services. In this case, the proposals are written and delivered, but they can be changed on the opening day, as the case may be. #Bidder #Entrepreneur #Bids participate in bids how to participate in city hall bids how to participate in online bids how to participate in bids as a MEI how to participate in government bids how to participate in city hall bids how to participate in Sebrae bids how to participate in Comprasnet bids how to participate in Banco do Brasil bidshow to participate in bids