ORA-PRO-NÓBIS BOX List of Materials Stencil OPA 3140 - Old Letter Butterfly 20x25 Stencil OPA 3473 - Ora-pro-nobis Flowers 20x25 Stencil OPA 3378 - Motivational Phrases 15x20 MDF Box 16.5x24.5x8.5 Acrylic Paint: Sand - White - Primary Yellow - Moss Green - Petroleum Blue - Old Pink - Dark Chocolate - Medium Aging Mahogany - Medium Gel for Tinting Brushes: Pituá nº00, 4 and 6 Flat sanded nº 8 Liner nº000 Access the link and download our catalog: https://opacriandoarte.com.br/catalogos/ To find out where to buy our products, visit: https://opacriandoarte.com.br/ondecom... Follow us on social media so you don't miss out on the news!