How to change a bad habit with the help of thinking? How to quit smoking, given the knowledge of how the brain works? What tools help to overcome addiction and lead a healthy lifestyle? Dmitry Strogin, a graduate of three stages of the Academy of Meaning, will help to understand these issues, having considered the principle of the “dominant”, its formation, as well as management with the help of the methodological tool “fact-map”. _____________________ The School of Thinking of the Academy of Meaning is an offline course on developing effective thinking skills, based on the latest scientific research of the brain. To apply for training and find out more, follow the link https://intellect.academy/. Visit our other social networks to learn more about the brain, thinking: VKontakte - https://vk.com/sense.academy Telegram - https://t.me/senseacademy Odnoklassniki - https://ok.ru/group/63122308726968