I share with you an example of offering testimonial and expert evidence: https://www.facebook.com/1429954985/p... Article 340 of the CNPP specifies the actions of the accused in the written phase of the intermediate stage, basically it is about making a written offer of evidence. When offering a testimonial or expert evidence in writing, you should only limit yourself to pointing out the three aspects marked in blue, it is quite simple, avoid the roll and unnecessary statements. When the intermediate hearing arrives, the situation will become more complex, since you will be able to enter the debate on the issues marked in pink, since they are the issues that may cause the exclusion of your evidence. The written offer in terms of form is the same for all procedural subjects (mp and legal advisor). (Basis of the sheet: National Code of Criminal Procedure, articles 97, 335, 338, 340, 346 and 372)