HERE ARE ALL THE LINKS AND USEFUL SITES FOR YOUR MOVE TO BELGIUM: USEFUL SITES FOR LOOKING FOR ACCOMMODATION: https://www.samenhuizen.be/ https://www.allesthuis.be/ https://www.koopjeskrant.be/ https://www.2dehands.be/ https://www.expat.com/be/ https://www.spotahome.com/blog/belgium/ https://www.appartager.be/ https://bnb.brussels/ https://www.eu-rentals.com/ https://www.century21.be/fr http://www.jeronimmo.be/chambres/inde... Student sites Kotzoeker (for Flanders) Studentkotweb (for Antwerp) Ikot (Flanders and Brussels) Kotaliege (Liege) Kots (all of Belgium) And the classic fb groups Message boards university USEFUL SITES FOR JOB SEARCH: Here are some recommended temporary employment agency sites to use for job search: Vacature www.Monster.be https://www.stepstone.be/en/ https://www.brusselsjobs.com/newsletter https://www.eurobrussels.com/ https://www.careerjet.be/ http://www.Indeed .be/ https://www.learn4good.com/jobs/langu... https://ec.europa.eu/eures/public/it/... https://www.alterjob.be/ There are also some newspapers where you can find job ads Le Soir De Standaard He laatste Nieuws De Gazet van Antwerpen And let's not forget fb, there are often groups of Italian expatriates in the country concerned and these can be very useful. Here are some Expats in Antwerp Jobs in Antwerpen Expats in Gent, Belgium Expats in Brussels Job Brussels USEFUL SITES https://www.leforem.be/ https://www.vdab.be/ https://www.actiris.brussels/fr/citoy... DOCUMENT TO SUBMIT THE REQUEST for Carte Vitale Downloadable affiliation form at the following link https://www.ameli.fr/sites/default/fi... EXTERNAL SITE FULL OF USEFUL LINKS: http://www.italuil-belgique.be/link-u... EXAMPLE OF ATTESTATIONS DE SOINS: https://www.mc.be/la-mc/soins-sante-r... COMPLETE LIST OF MUTUAL INSURES PRESENT IN BELGIUM at the address: http://www.riziv.be/citizen/fr/insure... LIST OF ITALIAN DOCTORS IN BELGIUM: https://ambbruxelles.esteri.it/ambasc... FOR MORE INFORMATION: https://www.belgium.be/en INAMI: https://www.inami.fgov.be/fr/professi... Italian Embassy in Belgium: https://ambbruxelles.esteri.it/ambasc... I hope our video will be useful for your transfer and we wish you good luck!! Don't forget to subscribe to the channel :)