If you have trouble memorizing major scales on the keyboard or piano, watch this video! Complete keyboard course: https://www.descomplicandoamusica.com... Tables with scales and summary of exercises: http://www.descomplicandoamusica.com/... Video about fingerings for scales: • Fingering for scales on the keyboard – M... Video about the concept of scale formation and harmonic fields: • Understanding Musical Scales Our goal is for you to be able to memorize the 7 most common major scales in 2 weeks. To do so, we will divide our study battery into 6 basic exercises. Scale notes: C major: C, D, E, F, G, A, B D major: D, E, F#, G, A, B, C# E major: E, F#, G#, A, B, C#, D# F major: F, G, A, Bb, C, D, E G major: G, A, B, C#, D, E, F#, G# B major: B, C#, D#, E, F#, G#, A# To do the memorization exercises, you must first choose a scale. The first exercise will be to play that scale (back and forth), using the correct fingerings, and then use both hands to press all the notes of the scale. Press these notes in at least 3 octaves, to more easily store the visual pattern of the intervals in your brain. The second exercise will be to play only the black keys (accidentals of the scale) in 3 octaves. Next, you will play only the white keys of the scale in 3 octaves, finishing the 3rd exercise. The 4th exercise will be to play only the first 5 notes of the scale (this exercise is very important, because the first 5 notes form the major and minor chords - 1st, 3rd and 5th). You can do this exercise with your right hand or your left hand, in 3 octaves. The 5th exercise will be to play the last 3 notes of the scale in 3 octaves. Finally, the 6th and last exercise will be to play first the 5 notes with your left hand and then the last 3 notes with your right hand, also in 3 octaves. This way, you will have played the scales in different patterns, making it easier to visually observe and memorize them more easily. To make your study routine motivating and not boring, we divided the scales into two blocks: BLOCK 1: Scales of F, G and D major. BLOCK 2: Scales of A, E and B major. BLOCK 1 contains scales with few accidentals, while BLOCK 2 contains many accidentals. At the end of the video, we organize a study routine to be completed in 2 weeks using these exercises in each scale.