Have you ever regretted something you did or said when you were angry, anxious or stressed? In today's Ask the Coach, I'm going to teach you exactly what you need to do to prevent this from happening again! Press play and check it out! Your emotions may last for seconds, but the consequences of what you do when you're overcome by anger, anxiety or stress can last a lifetime. Do you know when you lose your temper and say something stupid that you regret and end up ruining a relationship? Or when you get so stressed that you end up making the wrong decision at work and this damages your image at the company? These are some of the scenarios that can happen when you're overcome by emotion... When you don't have self-control, you can ruin everything you've spent years of hard work building, like your marriage, your relationships with your children and friends and your career. But there is a way to prevent things from getting to that point and that's what I want to talk to you about in today's Ask the Coach! So press play and check it out! And if you want me to be your Coach and answer any questions you have, leave your question in the comments with #AskTheCoach! Who knows, maybe it will appear here in the next video? OH, IMPORTANT: → If you want to find out exactly what I did to be able to leave a public job with a salary of R$21,960 and start from scratch in the profession that gives you the freedom to work from wherever you want, on your own time, and being very well paid for it... Take part in the training The Best Profession in the World, which takes place from September 13th to 16th. It's live, online and 100% free. Click on the link below and guarantee your place: https://igtcoaching.site/fcc2-yt-insc... And let's go! Follow me on social media: Facebook: / geronimo.theml Instagram: / geronimotheml #TomorrowIGiveUp #Coaching #Coach #Mentoring #SuccessRequiresMore #TomorrowIGiveUp #GeronimoTheml