???? Price Discount: https://bit.ly/DescontoNoPreco ????Descontinho Delas: https://bit.ly/3KYOKPs ✔️ Escorrega o Preço: https://bit.ly/escorregaextensao ► Follow the Games Care team: / gamescarebr We returned to the masters of GamesCareBR to be able to tune my NEO GEO and still do that monstrous cleaning.. So check out this RGB MOD that we put in and it was PERFECT! #Ratoborrachudo #neogeo #modrgb ???? Like - ???? Subscribe to the channel -???? Activate the bell ► I Am Douglas Channel: / eusouodouglas ► Ratão's Cuts Channel [OFFICIAL]: / @livesdoratao ???? LIVES: RatoBorrachudo - ???? Twitter: RatoBorrachudo ???? Instagram: RatoBorrachudo ►Become a member of the channel: https://bit.ly/membrodoratao Commercial Contact: [email protected]