If you want to put together your capsule for the desired image without a long search, trial and error - come for a consultation ???? We will: define and clarify your goal related to other people (find a job / more sales / enter a feminine vibe / any other) analyze into atoms and molecules what details your looks should consist of to make exactly the impression you need select things from your closet that match this style and, if necessary, make an accurate and short shopping list The consultation is online, costs 9,000 rubles To sign up, write here: https://t.me/mariekavokina ???? To get a free lesson on the psychology of style and a method for the psychological meanings of fabrics and colors in clothes - fill out a short form, and a link to the materials will appear at the end: https://forms.gle/og5m2cePh5p5BLWLA My name is Marie, I am a fashion psychologist and women's mentor. I help to reveal the sincere, lively and authentic version of you ???? To sign up for a free psychological style analysis, write the word ANALYSIS in the bot: https://t.me/mariekavokinabot Where to find me: / mariekavokina https://t.me/marie_kavokina Stay tuned ????????