Today I'm going to show you how to prepare a delicious sun-dried meat at home. I have followers here who told me that they can't easily find this type of meat in their city or country, so now you can have this delicious treat made by yourself. Tata Medeiros Post Office Box: 74 Zip Code: 29930-970 SÃO MATEUS-ES Get my gourmet ice cream e-book and have the recipes written in the palm of your hand wherever you are, make them and earn a lot of money selling these delights https://pay.hotmart.com/R51478580B?of... Post photos of the recipes and tag us on: www.facebook.com/canaltatamedeiros www.Instagram.com/receitasdatata Follow our Blog and see the written recipes: https://canaltatamedeiros.blogspot.com/ INGREDIENTS: 2 kg of Beef Rump or other tender meat approximately 1/2 cup of salt 1/2 teaspoon of black pepper