With the special participation of Baraka Cerâmica, we will teach you in this video a simple and economical way to make plaster molds to be used in ceramics. We will prove to you that making plaster molds is uncomplicated and quick, and we will debunk once and for all the myths about the subject. During the video, Rhuan will use the following calculation to determine the amount of water and plaster for the mold: ' weight of water (designed according to the size of the desired mold) times 0.888 = amount of plaster in the mixture amount of plaster in the mixture times 0.75 = amount of water to be used to make the mold Baraka Cerâmica @barakaceramica catalog (41) 996785929 my profile on Instagram: @flaviapires2670_pircher Discover the online courses available for you: https://www.flaviapircher.com/cursos Sign up and receive exclusive content: https://www.flaviapircher.com/cadastro