Łazanki is this characteristic flat, square pasta with the right additions. In this recipe, I will show you how to make Łazanki in such a way that every picky eater of Łazanki will be convinced to try this dish. And the dish served in this form is delicious and very filling. Try it ;-) However, if you feel like having Łazanki without meat, I invite you to watch this video: • Lenten Łazanki with cabbage and mushrooms t... I also invite you to my profile: / menu_dorotki INGREDIENTS: 250g pasta 1 tablespoon salt 500g sauerkraut (after squeezing out the water) 500g onion 40g clarified butter or other fat for frying 50g dried mushrooms 500g meats: steamed, smoked bacon and boiled pork knuckle pepper for seasoning #menudorotki #kulinarycanal #menu