📲 Be my mentee at Mentoria Start 👇 https://www.pedrodellanora.com.br/men... 📲 Follow me on Instagram and see my day-to-day life at the store 👇 / pedrodellanora 📲 Receive content also on Telegram 👇 https://t.me/+O6PMA-ymaPM3OGIx I have been saying that perishables are the key to profitability in any supermarket. They are what will give the most margin and will make the customer come to your store several times. Among all the perishable sections, the Produce is one of the most important precisely because of the recurrence of purchases (after all, there is no way to buy FLV for 1 month, you need to go to the supermarket at least every week), in addition to having an excellent margin. But it is not simply putting fruits and vegetables on display and expecting that you will sell and make a profit. You need to have a strategy to make the produce section of your supermarket a source of profit and not a source of losses! That's why I've put together 5 strategies straight from my store for you to apply to your supermarket's produce section and make it the sector that generates sales and profitability.