One of the biggest obstacles to dedicating ourselves to our passion (photography and video in this case) is being able to make money with it. Especially in these days that we find ourselves, where we need to be able to get results from home (although this option is really always going to be super interesting). So here I show you a list of ways to make money from home with our profession / passion. I hope it gives you some ideas! Stock Photography with Kike Arnaiz: • ???? LIVE taking the PHOTOS you WANT... Product video at home with Daniel Schiffer: • I made a Cereal Commercial in my dini... Freelance platforms: Workana, Freelancer, LinkedIn, Fiverr Express Course How to create a digital business: https://bit.ly/3zAYiek Envato Elements: https://1.envato.market/rWkdR Audiovisual contests: https://www.concursosdefotografia.com/ https://www.mundoarti.com/concursos/c... #rbgescuela