🟢 LEARN EXCEL WITH ME IN THE COMPLETE EXCEL COURSE WITH CERTIFICATE: http://excelentejoao.com.br/sejaexcel... 🔵 Free Download Spreadsheet: https://excelentejoao.com.br/wp-conte... How to Make a Function If, And, Or, Seerro Logical Functions in Excel to Automate Tasks in this Excel video lesson We will learn how to automate tasks in Excel using important functions and formulas the functions and formulas that we will use are logical functions functions that help us automate processes and automate tasks in the Excel spreadsheet Let's learn how to do the IF function in Excel how to do the function and in Excel how to do the or function in Excel and how to do the seerror function in Excel the difference between the seerror function and the others Is that generally the SEERRO Formula in Excel is used together with other functions in this way We need to combine more than one function and the same cell, we will combine functions in Excel and when we do this we can call the litter a function, that is, a formula within another, a function within another, the first function that we will see and learn in practice how to use to helping us in everyday life and in the job market is the IF function, formula SE in Excel the IF function helps us automate tasks following a condition following a logical criterion, for example if the student had a final average greater than five and a half he is approved, but if the grade is lower than five and a half, he will have to retake an extra test to help increase his grade, but the list I have in my Excel is very large and I cannot do this line by line check because it will take a long time, it is a repetitive task, so instead of me doing the same thing all the time in this repetitive task, I will use the IF function to automate for me the filling and checking of this automatic criteria in Excel, the other function that we will to use is the function and just like the IF function it also helps us to automate tasks in Excel in this example Where are we going to use the formula in the Excel spreadsheet I have a list of several employees several employees who work here at the company my boss wants to apply a increase or hold a meeting for all employees who have already been with the company for more than six years and have not received a salary adjustment for three years. See that in this example I have two criteria to use, the first is that employees with more than 6 years of company and the second are employees with more than three years without salary adjustment if these two conditions are met Then the meeting will be scheduled with each of these employees I can use the function and to help me because if the first condition is met and the second condition is met then the formula and the function and will return me a true value the formula or in Excel the function or is a little different from the function and in the function and we need all the criteria to be met that all the logical conditions are met However in the function or criteria do not need to be met completely if only one criterion is met the function or will return the word true and in this example I have a stock list with the stock quantity of each of the materials basically it is a stock spreadsheet whenever a product has less than 10 units in stock I need to mark in the status that I am supposed to buy the product, but sometimes it happens that a product has more than 10 units in stock and the person responsible for stock Pedro marks it in the spreadsheet to buy it this way I have two conditions to pay attention to. The first is the stock is less than 10 units or Pedro's observation of purchasing in this way, I cannot use the function, but the function or the seerror function in Excel is a function, a very important formula because we can use it. it together with other functions and when we use the SEerro function in Excel together with other functions or join formulas in Excel we can call it an aligned function in this practical example I am getting an error in Excel and I need to correct this error to an alternative text In other words I need to automate the error, change the error text and the error function can help me with this #ExcelenteJoão #Excel #Dashboard