What do you think of when you think of a round cookie with a sweet filling, a diameter of about ten cm and usually a halved almond on top? Of course! The filled cookie, also called the vulkoek, gevulde heertje or gevulde herenkoek. Chef and pastry chef Ramon Brugman shows you how to make them yourself. Find the entire recipe for the filled cookies here: https://binnenstebuiten.kro-ncrv.nl/r... In BinnensteBuiten you are treated to the latest interior tips, the most beautiful nature reserves and the most delicious recipes. We find sustainability very important and it is woven into all our videos. How do you renovate your house in a sustainable way, what can you do with useless stuff that you still have lying around the house and how do you easily and quickly prepare a healthy meal? In addition, we show you the most beautiful nature reserves in the Netherlands and we want to ensure that you experience nature even better. We work together with experts in every field. Interior stylist Theo-Bert Pot will visit you for a makeover, our chefs Ramon & Sharon will show you how to quickly and affordably prepare a healthy meal, and garden specialist Martin will turn your garden into a beautiful picture again. An inspiration platform with clear, practical tips so that you can get started yourself. Also follow BinnensteBuiten on: https://binnenstebuiten.kro-ncrv.nl/ / binnenstebuitentv / binnenstebuitentv