How to make a Star-shaped Pincushion - Easy step-by-step guide to creative sewing. In this class, prepared especially for us to have a moment of concentration with sewing, without the rush or pressure of making something to sell, I will teach you how to make a simple, cute pincushion but, as always: FULL OF STYLE. This piece requires concentration, and in the times we are living in, having moments like this make all the difference, it is TRUE MENTAL HYGIENE! Do you want to know my classes and have reasons to sew every day? Come and see my classes, there are more than 57 wonderful creative sewing classes, choose the best way to be my student right now, by subscribing or buying a single class: https://www.stellahoff.com.br/cursos Measurements: 5 8cm squares (COLOR 1) 5 8cm squares (COLOR 2) 5 8cm squares (COLOR 3) Stuffing. Button for decoration Hand needle Do you want to make the pincushion smaller? Cut the squares to 5cm. I hope you enjoy the class and that it helps you to disconnect from the online world and connect with sewing. Show me your finished piece on Instagram: @stellahoff It will be a pleasure to talk to you there. #pincushion #creativesewing #easysewingstepbystep #sewingforbeginners #pincushion