???? LEARN EXCEL WITH ME IN THE COMPLETE EXCEL COURSE WITH CERTIFICATE: http://excelentejoao.com.br/sejaexcel... ???? FREE DOWNLOAD EXCEL SPREADSHEET: https://excelentejoao.com.br/wp-conte... In this Excel video lesson, we will learn how to use a complete inventory control spreadsheet with a purchasing spreadsheet, sales spreadsheet, and inventory spreadsheet. This spreadsheet can help us perform important analyses and automate tasks, saving time in our daily lives. Inventory spreadsheet. We will also learn how to use the SUMIF function in Excel or add with criteria, add by item, add by product in Excel. The spreadsheet is made up of three parts, the first being the registration of product items, the second part is where we will record and have the history of all material entries in the inventory or purchasing spreadsheet, the third part is the exit of materials from the inventory or sales spreadsheet. In the first part of the spreadsheet, registration, where we can check all the products that we have registered in our inventory. You can use several important pieces of information such as the location of the product, shelf, rack, etc. The item's SKU, EAN or product registration ID, the update date or registration date, the item name, the product brand, etc. In addition, this first part of the spreadsheet serves as automation for the other parts, so you don't have to keep typing the same thing all the time. We will use a drop-down list here in Excel to help us automate these processes and repetitive tasks. The second part is where we have all the entries for the materials that arrive in our stock. We can record the date the material arrived in stock, the unit cost of the material, the total cost, we can include a note if necessary and, instead of typing the name of the product, we click on the cell and select the item we want to use in the spreadsheet from the list of options. The third part of the spreadsheet, outputs or sales, is very similar to the previous tab, however, what will change is that here we will record the outputs and instead of using the cost we will use the sales value #ExcelenteJoão #Excel #Dashboard