This tip is very useful, as it is how to make a wood protector, so you can have your furniture shiny and without spending anything, apart from that if they are scratched, you can hide them and they will almost not be noticeable, and best of all is that it is made with things that we already have at home, so I hope it is very useful, remember to subscribe, like, share with all your family, friends and acquaintances, like the Facebook page, follow us on Twitter at @MrComoleHago see us on Instagram at @como_le_hago and check out the other videos as I assure you that some of them will be very useful to you, thanks for watching us and as always see you in the next videos = D FOLLOW US ON: Facebook / mrcomolehago Twitter @MrComolehago http://bit.ly/ComolehagoTwitter Instagram @como_le_hago http://bit.ly/ComolehagoInstagram Past Videos How to put a shelf or make a division in a piece of furniture, recycling cardboard http://bit.ly/2f0VGgP 5 Tips for Using Vinegar http://bit.ly/2e27q5C