Next video coming soon!!! Get your scobys started so you can do the next steps that I explain in the next episode (where I explain how to feed them and how to make kombucha) the video has already been recorded and is being edited... THANK YOU!!! I love you love love xx CHAPTERS 0:00 intro 1:00 what is a scoby? 1:55 ingredients 2:53 I show you my scobys 3:58 explanation of how the scoby is formed and reproduces 5:37 recipe 1 6:45 what vinegar to use? 9:38 how to store your scobys 10:45 recipe 2 MY SOCIAL NETWORKS: Instagram: @MaiDirtyHands / maidirtyhands @Biocreations / biocreations @MaiGoldenHoney / maigoldenhoney TikTok: Mai Dirty Hands / maidirtyhands MY FAVORITE PRODUCTS FOR GARDEN AND ORCHARD: https://linktr.ee/huertoyjardin?utm_s... MY FAVORITE BOOKS (KNOWING IS BELIEVING) https://linktr.ee/saberparacreer