We send by SDEC or by mail. Contact phone numbers and all the information are on our website: https://честныймед.com/ You can write to us by mail: [email protected], in WhatsApp and Telegram, in the VKontakte group: https://vk.com/chestniymedspb To order the tincture, immediately write the full name, phone number of the recipient, a convenient address of the SDEC office (or home address). Beekeeper Gennady Semykin tells how he prepares a high-quality, effective tincture of wax moth (moth). https://честныймед.com/ In the tincture, it is not the percentages that are important, but the quality of the raw materials! Gennady's tincture has stood the test of time, hundreds of grateful customers and is one of the best moths. You can prepare the tincture yourself, or you can order a proven, high-quality product. Video: Mikhail Yanshin https://creativ-lab.com/ #honey #fireweed #waxmoth #honey #honesthoney #videospb #perga #capping #honeyinhoneycombs #waxmoth tincture #waxmoth #health