Professional microphone is expensive! Today with easily accessible materials I will teach you how to make a 100% homemade microphone with professional quality, ideal for: music, computer, cell phone, camcorder, soundboard. Materials: 1 - electret mic 1 - 1K resistor 1 - 10K resistor 1 - 100K resistor 1 - 22K resistor 2 - 1uf capacitors 1 - p2 plug 1 - transistor BC548 OR (BC547, BC337, BC549) or any other npn, just pay attention to the pins. 1 - power supply between 3v to 12v 💲 EXCELLENT ELECTRONICS COURSE: http://bit.ly/2ogowQp 💲 EXCELLENT COURSE ON CELL PHONE REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE: https://hotm.art/JNNPRyo 💲 EXCELLENT 3D PRINTING COURSE: http://bit.ly/2RYsyc5 💲 EXCELLENT ARDUINO AND ROBOTICS COURSE: http://bit.ly/2knhzvG 💲 SOLAR ENERGY COURSE (PHOTOVOLTAIC PANEL): https://hotm.art/lRZ02B