If you are interested in this robotics subject and would like to make automations with Arduino in a simple way, participate in our Automation Challenge with Arduino: https://leadl.ink/19642/aprenda_ardui... Today, Manual do Mundo will take you to a basic electricity class and teach you how to make a printed circuit board with Arduino! ► Enroll now in Alura's courses and fans of the world's manual get a 10% discount: http://bit.ly/alura-promocao-manual-d... Get to know Alura's courses that have everything to do with the maker world: http://bit.ly/alura-formacao-IoT-manu... And programming courses for those who are just starting out too: http://bit.ly/alura-cursos-programaca... At Manual Maker we have already made several electronic circuits, but in all of them, we used our prototype board or didn't use anything, we simply soldered one thing to another and this caused several problems, the main ones being: the high price of the board and that the material ended up coming loose over time. But today, we are going to teach you how to make a real printed circuit board, the ones used in video games and computers, with Arduino. The printed circuit board, or PCB, as it is also known in the electrical industry, has two functions: the first is mechanical, to hold the components on the board, and the second is to provide contact between the components. To better understand how this system works, watch the full video and learn how to make a PCB and test it out right now. Oh, and don't forget to like this video and share it with that friend of yours who loves learning all about the digital world. ► 3D Photo • How to print a photo in 3D ► Password lock • How to make a password lock ► Articulated lamp • How to make a super articulated lamp... ► Subscribe: https://youtube.com/user/iberethenori... Commercial: [email protected] Contact: [email protected] Website: http://manualdomundo.com.br Facebook: / manualdomundo Instagram: / manualdomundo Instagram Mari: / amarifulfaro Twitter Mari: / marifulfaro Instagram Iberê: / oibere Twitter Iberê: / iberethenorio CREDITS Direction and presentation: Iberê Thenório Executive production and presentation: Mari Fulfaro Images: Natã Romualdo Production: Fernando A. Souza Editing and finalization of images: Kiwi productions Support: Alura ????This is the Manual do Mundo channel. New videos every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. ???? Manual do Mundo Communication LTDA Post Office Box 77811 Zip Code 05503-970 SP - SP ????Manual do Mundo Communication LTDA Post Office Box 77811 Zip Code 05503-970 SP - SP Copyright© 2023 Manual do Mundo®. All rights reserved.