⭐️ You can buy my book here: https://filozophiastylu.pl/ ⭐️ My ANSIN store with PREMIUM BASIC clothes: https://ansin.pl/ ⭐️ Sign up for my free NEWSLETTER: http://zophia.pl/newsletter/ ⭐️ You can buy my STYLOWYPLANNER here: https://zophia.pl/stylowyplanner/ ⭐️ My Instagram: / zophia_stylistka #kobiecy #dorosłyly #styl I'm wearing: ???? TOP MISS MINIMAL ANSIN https://bit.ly/3z2wUFY ???? MORE MOI SKIRT (I shortened it a bit at the seamstress') https://moremoi.com/spodnica-pockets-... ________________________ photo sources: www.zalando.pl https://9to5chic.com/ https://schokoladenjahre.com/