To learn to skate, you need to set a specific goal, otherwise the training will be very long and difficult. The goal of not falling must be replaced by the goal of learning to skate, this is solved by doing exercises standing in place and walking on skates without slipping, thereby eliminating the fear of falling. First stand, then walk, and only then slide and skate. A simple approach to learning to skate on ice. Exercises for mastering the stance and movement. Push, brake, slide, while the body is always elastic, but not tense or sluggish. The driving force comes from the chest level, the back is straight, then the legs move more easily. It is necessary to include the whole body, then it will be easier. Perform the exercises very diligently and carefully, but little by little, and take long breaks, rest, and then improve your movements again. Group Health in General: https://vk.com/zdravocel My page: https://vk.com/oktaiduh