In a few minutes you will be able to determine if the TPS Sensor is working properly, with a few voltage tests you will know. A damaged TPS Sensor negatively affects fuel consumption, as well as affecting power and acceleration response. To know if the TPS SENSOR IS WORKING CORRECTLY, the supply voltage to the sensor must be measured, and the voltage at the output terminal of the TPS sensor must be measured by turning the sensor shaft with the help of a large flat screwdriver. We must slowly turn the sensor shaft and observe how the voltage at the output terminal of the TPS sensor behaves: the output voltage of the TPS sensor should start at around 0.7 VOLTS, the voltage should rise little by little without jumps or drops to ZERO VOLTS until the voltage reaches about 4.5 VOLTS with the maximum rotation of the TPS sensor shaft. At any point where the movement of the TPS sensor shaft is stopped, the voltage should remain stable. TPS Sensor: https://www.autodaewoospark.com/senso... IAC Valve: https://www.autodaewoospark.com/valvu... MAP Sensor: https://www.autodaewoospark.com/senso... CMP Sensor: https://www.autodaewoospark.com/senso... IAT Sensor: https://www.autodaewoospark.com/senso... PCV Valve: https://www.autodaewoospark.com/valvu... Easily determine if the TPS sensor or Throttle Position Sensor is working properly.