Is your body acting strange and you don't know why? It could be inflamed! ???? General practitioner and nutritionist Dr. Roberto Navarro tells you how to find out if your body is inflamed. ???? You will learn a lot! In addition, the recipe is mouth-watering and also helps cleanse your body. Is there anything better? ???? Chef Malu Lobo teaches you a delicious creamy antioxidant mousse with red fruit coulis. ???? For the mousse: 100 ml chia seeds 350 ml plant-based milk 2 tablespoons cocoa powder 5 hydrated dates 1 teaspoon coconut oil 1 pinch of salt For the red fruit coulis: 1 cup (tea) of red fruits 1 tablespoon xylitol sweetener Preparation method for the mousse: Mix the chia seeds with the cocoa powder, dates, salt and add the milk, vanilla. Mix the ingredients well and blend in a blender until you get a smooth cream. Refrigerate overnight. Preparation For the Red Fruit Coulis: Place the ingredients in a pan and cook until you get a cream. Wait for it to cool and serve with the mousse. #carolminhoto #vocebonita #receitafit #mousseantioxidante #mousse #antioxidante #tvgazeta #corpo #inflamacao #corpoinflamado Also check out the other pages of the program: Website - http://tvgazeta.com.br/vocebonita Facebook - / vocebonitatv Twitter - / vocebonita Instagram - / vocebonitatv