Is there such a thing as Loro Piana yarn? Is it possible to buy stock? If so, where and how? What is the difference between luxury merino Loro Piana and regular merino? How to work with such yarn so as not to spoil it? How to carry out the first VTO? How to wind thin yarn on a cone at home? Today, Maria Volkova, an expert in the field of yarn, will tell us about all this???????? ~~~~~~~~~~ Stockwool is a service for joint purchases of premium yarn from all over the world. With us, you can buy chic stock and regular yarn at wholesale prices. Subscribe to our telegram channel, that's where all the yarn purchases and sales take place https://t.me/stockwool_news How to take part in the purchase, read the link https://docs.google.com/document/d/1H... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~` Timecodes: 0:00 Preview 0:52 What is Stockwool 1:11 Merino Wish from Loro Piana and where does the yarn come from at stocks. 5:39 About the fiber fineness 7:27 MK on unwinding yarn on a mixer 8:34 Knitting samples from Wish 9:35 How to do your first WTO + results 15:00 What to knit from Wish yarn #knitting #stockwool #handicraft #masterclass #knittinglessons