How to easily knit a Japanese shoulder? How to design it? How to calculate it? What is it anyway? Today, Irina Gileva, who knows everything about clothing design and a little more, will tell us all about the Japanese shoulder. And most importantly, Ira will tell and show how easy and simple it is to knit and calculate a Japanese shoulder without any hassle???????????? Add the video to your favorites, share with your friends, because this is just a treasure trove of valuable information! If you have any questions, write them here in the comments or to Ira @Yavcube in Telegram. ~~~~~~~~~ Stockwool is a service for joint purchases of yarn from all over the world. With us, you can buy gorgeous stock and regular yarn at wholesale prices. All purchases and sales of yarn take place in our Telegram channel https://t.me/+Mw-0eXnoct1hYmNi Join us! #stockwool #knitting #yarn #masterclass #howtoknit #doityourself