Yes! Now we will install your lithium batteries to make your motorhome truly autonomous! The service includes the installation or replacement of lithium batteries, as well as the implementation of the charger through the alternator (DC-DC 60A). You can choose to bring your own batteries or purchase both the batteries and the necessary equipment from us. Contact us via WhatsApp: 32 99812-7648 ???? Many equipment and appliances on the market have lithium batteries, which promote great autonomy and ease of charging. Over time, there have been even more technological advances and today LiFePO4 Lithium batteries have excellent chemical stability and provide many years of full operation. Here at UP Motorhome, all projects already come with a lithium battery, LiFePO4 12v 280Ah. Just one lithium battery of this capacity is capable of replacing four 12v 220AH stationary batteries and weighs only 30kg versus the 232kg of stationary batteries. After watching the entire video, tell us what you thought of the change and if you would also add it to your motorhome! ???? For those who have just arrived and don't know yet, we are a motorhome factory in Ubá-MG, 100 km from Juiz de Fora. We make motorhomes that don't look like motorhomes, but that look like homes! If you want to make your dream of having a comfortable, safe, beautiful and autonomous motorhome come true, get in touch with us! ???? Contact information WhatsApp: 32 99812-7648 Website: https://upmotorhome.com.br/ Instagram: / up_motorhome Links: JH Power / jhpower.oficial / @bateriajhpower #upmotorhome #bateriadelitio #lifepo4