We replaced an old window with an aluminum one with maximum insulation. How to mount Aluminum or PVC WINDOWS STEP by STEP and roller blinds with thermal insulation We do it with my friend Salva from @SalvaMakerVIP and the insulation materials from @QuilosaSelenaIberia If you like our work you can visit our website www.paletsdelujo.com https://www.paletsdelujo.com/home.html ON Line Store https://www.paletsdelujo.com/tienda-o... You can follow us on the Networks: Instagram https://www.instagram.com/recicleitor... / palets_del_ujo Facebook / mueblesconpa. . Twitter / paletsdelujo Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.es/paletsdelujo/ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ1X... Web. www.paletsdelujo.com Here you have a list of our Makers friends where you can also see other ideas and projects. @I'm a Raccoon @WoodByAlex @Eloy Workshop @Eloy Workshop Vlog @arteotro workshop @That's what I fix Dad @Darry tools @Learning in the garage @Serendipity Antonio The Wood Chatarrero @Bricoaprendiz @Aquilino Manitas @Jose METAL MUNDO @Leo Besson @Tornyfusta @El Taller De Gaba @Ferretería JOVANI @bunkerTools @Rocha KRG @Ferrallas y Movidas @israel Garrido @Tomas kp @Making HUERTAS Stuff @Loquesemeocurra @Ideas Bricoleras @Martin Calcagno @El Cubil de la Herramienta @Mikhandmaker @Victor Taller Bushcraft @Carpenter Of The Desert @Carpenter Of The West @Kerlys Project @Your DIY workshop @Bricoglobal Toledo @Ginessot Brico TV @Locos x la Madera @theworkshopofmiocid @Hacelo Vos Paraguay - DIY @Tu Ferretero de Confianza @Yoel Cruz Design @BricoBlog TV @Jurraqueando @HAZLOTUMISMOENCASATV @Şahane bilgiler @Cascajero @The Grant Alexander @Barquito de Vapor @Pat Lap @Cefosol @Liandola Pardusca @Salva Maker VIP @Draude's Workshop @rak31009@palletsguru@victorianoszings @bolisgrim