In this video I explain how you can increase your Serotonin without medication, and be a happier person in your daily life! Today's Doctor's Word is: Serotonin! Study 1 https://www.eurekalert.org/news-relea... Study 2 (forest bathing) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/arti... Study 3 https://www.scielo.br/j/rbr/a/bSgHBWd... Study 4 tryptophan in affectivity https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25858... Dr. José Rodrigues Corrêa CRM 15577-MG Subscribe to the channel! Follow my social networks to see more content facebook.com/palavrademedicooficial instagram.com/palavrademedico ultraclinica.net for online consultations and information about appointments: [email protected] Visit Dr.'s Blog: https://ultraclinica.net/blog/ Link to videos on the PALAVRA DE MÉDICO channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAzY... ???? The information contained in the videos is not intended to replace a consultation with a medical professional or to serve as a recommendation for any treatment plan. If in doubt, seek your doctor. ???? This is a merely educational video, aiming to instruct the population on various subjects involving medicine. ???? Medicine is a science in constant change, the videos are produced based on the most recent Scientific Articles to date. - According to Art. 8 of CFM Resolution 1974/11 on Advertising of the Medical Code of Ethics, the videos are only intended to provide information for strictly educational purposes. - In accordance with Art. 9 of CFM Resolution 1974/11 on Advertising of the Medical Code of Ethics § 1º “E”, the address and telephone number of the office, clinic or service are not disclosed.