How to INCREASE EGG-LAYING OF CHICKENS in winter? Follow these factors and your chickens will always lay eggs! To increase the egg-laying capacity of chickens in winter, you must follow all the factors I suggested in this video. The first factor is to increase the daylight hours in the chicken coop by automatically turning the lighting on and off. The second factor is to maintain the temperature in a well-appointed warm chicken coop. The third factor is to provide balanced feed for laying hens. The fourth factor is to provide normal ventilation in the chicken coop. The fifth factor is to provide constant clean drinking water. The sixth factor is to provide a list of rooms for bathing chickens. The sixth factor is to install a warm floor for bathing chickens made of wood shavings. The seventh factor is to use sea shells and crushed chicken shells. My Instagram: https://instagram.com/dachnie_potehi?... Video on Yandex Zen https://zen.yandex.ru/video/watch/61d...