When you were in school, if you pay attention to each individual in the class, you will realize that students can be divided into two types: the smart group and the long-memorizing group. The smart group is the one who has the ability to absorb information quickly with a multi-dimensional approach. To recall important information, they often rely on fragments of memories in their heads to deduce the answer. When it comes to the final exam, they don't need to make much effort to review but still get full marks. Meanwhile, the long-memorizing group often tends to rely on the lecturer's answers rather than learning everything themselves. They often study like chanting and do a lot of exercises to remember, but don't understand anything. As a result, each exam is a torture. __________ This video is adapted from the original article on the knowledge-sharing social networking platform Spiderum ???? Original article: TO HAVE A GOOD MEMORY: Practice Encoding Information and Recalling Memories. ???? Article link: https://spiderum.com/bai-dang/De-co-T... ✍️ Author: Truong So ???? Video guide: YOSHY ???? Video editor: Nguyen Son ???????? Proofreader: Hieu __________ ???????? Visit Spiderum Books' bookstore at: ???? Shopee: https://shope.ee/6Kh2yAchta ???? Tiki: https://ti.ki/f79MEHvr/8KF573EI ???? Website: https://b.link/youtube-spiderumbooks-... __________ Contact information ✉️ Email: [email protected] ☎️ Hotline: 0384 678 045 __________ #Spiderumbooks #reviewsach #developingsocially