HOW TO SPEAK ELEGANTLY Conversational Mistakes to Avoid Speak Like a Lady Ladies, did you know that after your appearance you are immediately judged by the way you speak, people assume all sorts of things about you, from your social class, your educational background or how well-mannered or even ill-mannered you are from the way you speak. Ladies, I don’t want you to make the mistake of looking and dressing well but speaking in a rude manner. On your journey to becoming an elegant woman, it is imperative that you refine the way you speak to portray an image of respectability and class. Ladies, I want you to watch this video because everything I am going to say is invaluable and I want you to really make the most of your journey to leveling up, it’s not about looks, it’s not about fashion, there are certain things in your vocabulary, in the way you speak that you probably need to improve